I love the smell of a new notebook and old bookstores, and the feeling of promise a fresh page in a sketchbook brings is paralleled by nothing else in the world. But most of all, I'm all for that tingling sense of anticipation you get when you open the mailbox, the giddy feeling of discovery when, among the bills, advertisements, and magazine subscriptions, your fingers brush across something different, something special, something extraordinary meant just for you.
Launched in 2010, Beetle & Quill is a bespoke stationery studio based in Barrie, Ontario that specializes in custom and semi-custom wedding and special event stationery.
In a world where important events are so often reduced to a short and sweet text, an email, a status update or an Instagram snap, traditional post can be a break from the everyday, reminding friends and family that their mailbox exists for more than just the monthly bills and junk mail; it can bring moments of joy too. Loved ones drop everything to take time for a wedding, the celebration of a birth, and other important life events, and it all starts when they open their mail box and find something special waiting for them.
Weddings, new babies, anniversaries, graduations, and other milestones are reason to celebrate, and I strive to create heirloom stationery that you, your family and friends will cherish for years. From the second your loved ones pick up their mail, they’ll be greeted with beautiful stationery designed with attention to every detail, printed on gorgeous papers, or other unique materials, and carefully crafted by hand. They’ll know from the look and feel, this is for something special, and that you cherish them enough to share it with them.
My most rewarding experiences come from collaborating with couples to create fully custom stationery suites that reflect their unique love story and invite guests into the fold, first with a perfect introduction to the day with a save the date or invitation, and later with stunning day of details that capture and compliment the spirit of the day, and all the hard work and planning a couple has been up to since their engagement– or even before.
Every stationery suite begins with a thorough design consultation before materials including beautiful handmade and European milled sustainable papers, silk ribbon, wax seals, and other details, are hand-selected, before each suite is professionally printed and assembled with utmost care and attention to detail. The result isn't simply another piece of paper easily discarded at the end of the day- it is a memento your guests won't bare to part with, and instead will devote space to in their lives, hidden away with other treasures like stamps and favorite books, or family heirlooms, or even kept on display alongside university and college diplomas.
Whatever you’re celebrating (whether it’s a wedding or otherwise), I look forward to sharing your excitement, and story with you and your guests.